Interface ClientOptions


  • TcpNetConnectOpts
    • ClientOptions


allowHalfOpen?: boolean
bin?: string

As the sole exception, this option provides the path to the adb binary, used for starting the server locally if initial connection fails. Defaults to 'adb'.

family?: number
fd?: number
hints?: number
host?: string
keepAlive?: boolean
keepAliveInitialDelay?: number
localAddress?: string
localPort?: number
lookup?: LookupFunction
noDelay?: boolean
onread?: OnReadOpts

If specified, incoming data is stored in a single buffer and passed to the supplied callback when data arrives on the socket. Note: this will cause the streaming functionality to not provide any data, however events like 'error', 'end', and 'close' will still be emitted as normal and methods like pause() and resume() will also behave as expected.

port: number
readable?: boolean
signal?: AbortSignal
timeout?: number
writable?: boolean

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