Interface ScrcpyOptions


  • ScrcpyOptions


bitrate: number
cleanup?: boolean

since scrcpy 1.23

clipboardAutosync?: boolean

since scrcpy 1.21

codecOptions: string
control: boolean

set Control added in scrcpy 1.9

crop: string

"width:height:x:y" or '-' Crop the device screen on the server. The values are expressed in the device natural orientation (typically, portrait for a phone, landscape for a tablet). Any --max-size value is cmoputed on the cropped size.

displayId: number
downsizeOnError?: boolean

since scrcpy 1.22

encoderName: string
flip: boolean

flip the video

lockedVideoOrientation: number

lock screen orientation, LOCK_VIDEO_ORIENTATION_*

maxFps: number

maximum fps, 0 means not limited (supported after android 10)

maxSize: number

maxSize (integer, multiple of 8) 0 Max width

powerOffScreenOnClose: boolean
rawVideoStream?: boolean
sendDeviceMeta?: boolean
sendDummyByte?: boolean
sendFrameMeta: boolean
showTouches: boolean
stayAwake: boolean
tunnelDelay: number
tunnelForward: boolean

use "adb forward" instead of "adb tunnel"

version: 24 | 20

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